"Canada has exceeded our expectations" - Andrey, a truck driver from Mariupol, Donetsk region

More and more Ukrainians go abroad looking for a better life. Hard working people facing a dim and even bleak outlook at home, no longer wish to work for peanuts and to be in need. Here is a testimonial of one who has already learned about this country.

Andriy, a long-haul truck driver, has spent 2 years in Canada

"My name is Andriy. I am from Mariupil, Donetsk region of Ukraine. I have been living in Canada since 2010 and have been working as a long-haul truck driver. I found out about the opportunity to move to Canada and to work in my occupation from ILC (International Labour Centre). This company helped my dream of a better life come true.

The most difficult challenge was first to study English, as I have not studied it at all before. Although I had studied German in grade school - my major concern was about this fact - I thought I would not be able to learn a new language. ILC provided us with good teachers who helped us achieve the required level of English, starting from the ground up. Then I had to pass an international English exam and I passed it on the first try. It was not that scary. It might take more time, but learning better English is possible. I required 1.5 years, but I passed my exam from the first try and then came to Canada.

My first impression here was that Canada is a very friendly country. In general it is the country of immigrants, where you can find almost all nationalities of the world. Perhaps this is why everyone understands each other so well here and everyone is very polite. If you ask someone - you will definitely receive assistance. People will listen to your not so perfect English, will understand and help.

Of course, I had heard about how welcoming it is for newcomers here, but the truth of this has exceeded all my expectations! Employers treat us with great care, assisted in making us comfortable in the new country - which is very important. The lack of language skills built kind of a barrier within the first weeks; you seem to understand everything, but you cannot reply. Therefore it was almost impossible to set all your things right. This is where the company's support was required - and we received it. The company assisted us with passing the exam to receive the Canadian professional truck driver operator's license that is required to work in Canada. After one month of training I successfully passed the exam. I currently drive about 9-10 days on and then 4 days off. It is enough time off work to gain some strength between shifts. I am not too tired from my daily round. I can take showers and wash my clothes on the road, so when I come home I mostly have time to rest.

I work throughout the whole territory of Canada and the United States. I often have to cross the border, deal with customs and border guards several times during one trip. Crossing the border takes about 10-15 minutes here - you can't compare it with crossing the border at home.

We have new equipment, no complaints at all. But if something breaks down on the road, we are obliged to inform the dispatcher about our location, what exactly happened with the vehicle, and that's it - we should just wait for service. As they say here in Canada - we are professional drivers, but we are not professional mechanics. Everyone should be responsible for his part of work: I am responsible for driving the truck, mechanics - for repairs, and tire fitters - for the wheels. This is correct. If the driver is engaged in repairs, how can he be responsible for safe driving, being so tired?

About 5 months ago my wife Zinaida joined me here. We were unable to leave together right away, because it was quite difficult. It took us 1.5 years to obtain all permits and finish all paperwork. Well, we had to wait long enough, but those are the rules. ILC assisted us initially, then I continued the process myself. The process itself is not too complicated, but should you have any concerns, you can apply to ILC.  There is no bureaucracy here in Canada - all government agencies run like clockwork.

Zinaida, Andriy's wife, 5 months in Canada

"I have been in Canada for 5 months and also didn't think that everything was going to be so good here. It is a beautiful country, with gorgeous nature outdoors and kind people who are always ready to help. I had some difficulties with studying English, because I was unable to study in Ukraine - I was always working. I also did not think that the language had to be taken so seriously. Here I was offered the opportunity to attend a free school, where I currently study English, and in general, I have already achieved certain results. I used to work in the bank in Ukraine and I'm going to continue a banking career here in Canada, as soon as my English has improved enough. So far I do not regret that my husband and I moved to Canada, and I think that I will not at all. Here you can live well, work well, make good money not slaving away at work. You have enough time here just to live and enjoy simple human joys."

I can say just one thing for those who still doubt: there is nothing to think of. Just study English and come here, you will not complain! The life here is much better than in Ukraine; it is stable here, calm and beautiful. The standards of living are very high. So, just leave all your concerns and come!"

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